Monday, April 29, 2013

what you deserve

lately i have been having far too many conversations and seeing far too many girls ache because of the boys and men of today. those who want to change you, who don’t respect you, who want to change your boundaries or force you into things, guys who put you down, who hurt you in front of others for the sake of being cool, who abuse you, who swear at you, who dump you and gossip about you and break your heart. there are too many of these guys. but they are the normal now for which girls have no other standard to hope or look for. 
we don’t deserve this. 
we weren’t ready for this.
we grow up hearing that we are the most beautiful and special girl in the world, and one day you will meet a man who loves you so much he will protect you and honour you all the days of his life. and then we grow up. as much as i am so proud to say this, it hurts me to because i see the pain others are going through to find this, but i found that one. that one that blesses me, prays for me, yearns to see me after work, speaks words of affirmation to me daily, the one who says i chose you. and my heart is complete. i don’t know how i found it, or found it so early or so easily but i thank God each day for it.
i know that we shouldn’t let down our expectations or our standards, or compromise what we believe for them simply because we want to be given attention, cared and loved for. because if we don’t stay true to ourselves, we will loose the most important thing to what gain if it ends. 
boys are that which we grade ourselves on -- whether we are good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, lovable enough and so the list goes on. we try to find purpose and self worth in other things but so often it lies back in their hands. if only we could all leave it up to God….

BUT you know what girls - you’re more than a body, more than an item, more than an object for using and loosing for you are spirit embodied destined for glory! stay strong, stay focused. know that you are beautiful when a guy thinks your not, know that you are individual and can offer the world something no one else can, despite what he says. know that you are here with purpose, much greater than just being someone’s girlfriend. you are incredible and you are worth the wait. don’t give up. don’t settle for someone who is not who you imagined as a young girl. 
you’re worth the wait.

Permulaan. Kelam Kabut (Part 2)

1 April apa jadi?
Haaa ambik kau. Lambat masuk office. Doi teksi pun lambat ke?
Memang. Teksi pun lambat. Kau ingat kau handsome kau boleh lambat? Heeee nasib handsome. Haishhh
Ok ok ok ok stop menggatal. Fuh nak dijadikan cerita sebenarnya, pagi tu tunggu bas awal dah.
Pukul 6.30 pagi ok. Tunggu punya tunggu 15 minit lepas tu baru la bas datang. Ok fine janji ada bas.

7.20 pagi, oh tunggu teksi. Hello! Teksi is the worst ok. 7.20 aku call, 8.30 baru sampai. Doiii nasib bos tak marah. Haishh sumpah menyampah tahap dewa. Dah la lambat, mahal pulak tu. Sampai tujuh ringgit dari Alamanda ke Presint Diplomatik tu. Akak, abang, makcik, pakcik-- banyak mana pun duit yg anda semua ada, jika diberi pilihan bas atau teksi baik lah naik bas ye. Putrajaya bas Lima Puluh Sen je! Hahahaa cool right. Bas je lah murah. Barang mahal. Makan mahal. Masuk toilet pun mahal. eh? :D

Kekelaman kekabutan pada hari tu memang tak boleh lupa la cerita dia. Sampai nak mengangis dah rasa time tu. Fuh. Hmmm btw, anda anda jika dicampak di tempat orang macam gua ni buat cool je. Macam gua. Hohoo cool tapi dalam hati mak kau je tahu tau. Dah la. Kerja tetap kerja kan. Jom..

Monday, April 15, 2013

Permulaan. Kelam kabut (Part 1)

Hye there. Since I dah lama tak mengisi kesunyian blog, sibuk sangat dengan final and Industrial Training. Well, sekarang just nak isi ruang yang dah lama kosong ni. Nak cerita pengalaman yang rasanya kelam kabut nak mampos. Sejak hari first aku dihantar untuk menjadi penetap sementara dekat Putrajaya ni, seminggu hidup dalam keadaan kelam kabut. Fuh start 31March sampai lah ummi buat keputusan untuk beli motor untuk mudahkan aku. Throwback ~

31 March 2013, Ahad.

Sebelas dua puluh pagi, Ah malasnya aku nak pergi tunggu bas panas-panas macam ni. Huh “tapi kalau aku tak pergi tunggu bas, try naik bas ke office nanti esok aku tak tau nak pergi office macam mana pula. Dah la masuk pukul 8 pagi kan.” Ok la ok la aku pergi. 

*duduk tunggu bas selama satu jam dua puluh minit* *tengok kiri kanan*
“Mana bas ni?” Bisik hati aku. Aku dah la dah lama tunggu bas ni. Panas tau tak panas. Ok tak apa tunggu lagi 5minit. Kalau tak ada aku naik atas balik. Tup tap nampak kelibat bas. Hahaha agaknya dengar kut apa aku cakap tadi.
Okayyyyyyyy naik bas~ Ah selesanya. Aircond kelas 1 ok. Haha. Tambang murah ja RM 0.50. Ok aku sebenarnya tak tahu nak pergi mana. Tadi aku tengok jadual, bas tak ada direct ke presint 15. So nampaknya aku turun Alamanda je lah. Then baru fikir macam mana nak pergi office pula.

#di Alamanda

Ambil gambar dulu.


Woahhhhhhhhhh~ ok tu bukan kali pertama jejak Alamanda. Tapi saja buat perak. Aku sorang kut jalan-jalan pusing-pusing guling-guling dekat Alamanda yang serabut tu. Ramai orang beb sebab ada promosi. Macam peribahasa Dimana ada rezeki, di situ orang ramai. Ah mahal lah barang-barang dekat sini. Cuci mata je lah yang boleh. Ok ok dah dua jam jalan. Penat k penat. *mata meliar mencari tempat duduk*
Situ! Ada tempat duduk. Errr Tutti Frutty punya tempat. Cinggg cinggg alang-alang kan baik aku try perisa baru Tutti Frutti  and duduk lepak situ.
Fuh bahagia hati dapat makan sorang -..-

Perut aku sorang RM10.05

#di bus stop depan Alamanda

EH wei macam mana aku nk pergi office ni. Dah la tak ada bas direct. Payah gini. Jap. Bas nombor L02 dengan L06 tak silap aku yang pergi presint 15. Ni ha tengok jadual.

Ok aku tunggu. 5minit..10minit..15minit..
Woiii mana bas??!! 
L07. Haa ni bas nak balik rumah ni. Urghh tak boleh tak boleh. Kena tunggu bas L02 dulu. Tingg tonggg bas dah sampai~ “Bang, pergi Jalan Diplomatik Presint 15 tak?” “Maaf dik, tak pergi”
Uh?? Habis aku salah tengok jadual ke? Ok tak apa aku tunggu lagi bas lain. Oh tu pun bas!
“Bang, pergi presint 15 tak?” (pemandu bas menggeleng kepala)
Woii habis bas apa yang pergi sana? Baik aku balik.

#Sampai rumah

*Letak punggung di sofa* Kringgg kringggg (lagu bara bara bere bere ^^)
“Kak, cuba try tanya dekat driver teksi depan Alamanda tu pagi ada teksi tak. Akak naik teksi jelah dari Alamanda.” “ Ermmm akak baru sampai rumah je ni, Ummi.”
“Tak apa lah. Pergi la lagi sekali. Pergi tanya. Kalau tak esok nak pergi kerja macam mana?” “Ok ummi. Ok akak pergi.”

Ahh malasnya nak pergi balik.
Bila dah sampai sana, senang je driver teksi tu kata boleh call nombor hotline mereka. Oooo ok. Kalau aku tau tak payah susah datang balik. Habis sekarang nak buat apa? Heh jalan lagi la. Sekarang aku nak pergi melawat GSC Alamanda.
Ok sumpah tak menyesal melawat GSC sebab aku dapat satu tiket wayang free ~ uuuu~~
Errrr mengantuk pula tengok cerita ni. Apa tajuk tah aku dah lupa. The Rock hero cerita tu. Nasib free.
Dah pukul enam dah. Baik aku balik. Kalau malam nanti aku yang susah.
Ahh dah pukul 7.50 dah ni. Lambat gila bas ni muncul. Dalam pukul lapan baru bas sampai. Lapan suku aku smpai rumah. Bersihkan diri, basuh baju, gosok baju, kemas sikit2 lepas tu terus tidur.

Pagi 1 April 2013, Isnin. …bersambung..

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